Água Publi Serviços especializados para sua conta de água

Regularização, pagamento e vistorias detalhadas em São Paulo - SP

5 estrelas de satisfação


Conheça a Agua Publi

Oferecemos serviços especializados para segunda via de conta de água em São Paulo, com equipe capacitada para auxiliar em regularizações e vistorias cautelares.

A large black water tank sits atop a cylindrical base made of red bricks. Beside it, a tall red pole stands, attached with an electrical meter box. In the background, there are trees with green foliage and residential buildings with a yellow exterior. The ground is overgrown with grass and some scattered foliage.
A large black water tank sits atop a cylindrical base made of red bricks. Beside it, a tall red pole stands, attached with an electrical meter box. In the background, there are trees with green foliage and residential buildings with a yellow exterior. The ground is overgrown with grass and some scattered foliage.



Clientes satisfeitos

Serviço confiável

Serviços Especializados

Atendemos suas necessidades de segunda via de conta de água em São Paulo com excelência.

Regularização de Conta

Auxiliamos na regularização da sua unidade e na transferência de titularidade de forma eficiente.

Several water meters are mounted on a wall, connected by a network of pipes. The meters have dials with numerical displays, and there are blue valve handles at the joints. The setup has a uniform arrangement with neat pipe fittings.
Several water meters are mounted on a wall, connected by a network of pipes. The meters have dials with numerical displays, and there are blue valve handles at the joints. The setup has a uniform arrangement with neat pipe fittings.
Vistorias Cautelares

Realizamos vistorias detalhadas para garantir conformidade no religamento de água com regulamentações vigentes.

Four utility meters mounted on a brick wall, connected by a series of pipes and fittings. The scene is dimly lit, casting shadows on the wall and the meters.
Four utility meters mounted on a brick wall, connected by a series of pipes and fittings. The scene is dimly lit, casting shadows on the wall and the meters.


Estamos localizados em São Paulo - SP, prontos para atender suas necessidades relacionadas à segunda via de conta de água.


Travessa Danca do Cavaquinho, 30, Vila Água Funda


Seg a Sex

Entre em Contato Conosco

Estamos prontos para ajudar com suas necessidades de água.

A setup of interconnected pipes and meters mounted on a brick wall, with a series of horizontal red beams. Vertical yellow pipes contrast against the red structure and the dark brick background, housing several utility meters and valves.
A setup of interconnected pipes and meters mounted on a brick wall, with a series of horizontal red beams. Vertical yellow pipes contrast against the red structure and the dark brick background, housing several utility meters and valves.